Patient Information
Dr. Mattai is solely responsible for the treatment and management of all patients undergoing the TMS procedure. However, it should be noted that patients from outside practices should continue to see their respective providers for medication management needs.
NO COST CONSULTATION: Meeting with a patient consultant to learn about the TMS therapy treatment process and begin the insurance paperwork.
EVALUATION: Meeting with Dr. Mattai to further investigate whether TMS is right for you.
FIRST APPOINTMENT: Dr. Mattai will identify the precise areas of your brain that control depression, and establish your unique treatment settings on the TMS device
• Daily 20-40 minute sessions (approximately 6-9 weeks)
• During your treatment you can read, watch tv or use your phone.
• TMS requires no downtime.
- After each session, you can drive yourself home, or go back to work.
• Patients typically feel an improvement within 3-4 weeks
We accept Carefirst BlueCross BlueSheild, Cigna, Tricare, Johns Hopkins EHP and Johns Hopkins USFHP